Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Kanye West is seriously dominating my listening recently. Everyone else seems to kind of pale into insignificant background noise, I honestly can't stop listening. In fact he's about to overtake Lady Gaga in total number of listens. I would never have predicted that. make these cool visualisers, this one showing my top artists from the last 6 months. Apparently the image will update automatically, so maybe Kanye won't be there for much longer?

I always thought could do more with their data. Why not show the information in other ways? Even something simple like this, but better (much better), would be a big improvement IMO.

What do actually do with their data anyway? This company knows exactly what I listen to, and when. If they cant take that and use it to sell me more music then they're doing it wrong.  Everyone's always talking about the impending death of the music business, if I were a major label I'd definitely want to have a look into what knows about who listens to what.

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