With this post you may begin to think I am setting myself up to become an AlunaGeorge fan-site, so I would like to assure you I am not... However, I am a fan, I went to this last night, and I feel they're good enough to merit 2 posts. In a row. My next post will be about something completely different, honest.
SO ANYWAY: Sunday night, Old Blue Last, AlunaGeorge single launch. Unfortunately I was running a little late, but I did manage to catch most of Throwing Snow & Py, who were pretty damn good. Lacking in the crowd interaction front maybe, but musically I liked it alot.. There are definite similarities with AG which go beyond the producer-with-female-vocals-on-top theme, but that is in no way a bad thing. In fact this is probably why they both have releases on/coming up on Super.
Up next were Aluna & George, complete with band. Here's a (blurry) picture for your enjoyment:
seriously need a better camera
Once again they smashed it. It's not often I go to see a band at OBL and see people look like they're actually having fun, (although I could be going to the wrong nights) but tonight they definitely did. The band were tight as fuck and everything just worked together really well. AlunaGeorge sound great on record but live it's a completely different experience and I personally much prefer it, even if their sets are a little on the short side.
I think I've spoken about these guys enough for now. Seriously, just go see them. You'll love it.
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